Category AKB-blog

Cory Flynn with his daughter, Della, whom he and his wife adopted through foster care

“Could We Really Consider Foster Care?”

When Amy and Cory Flynn started dreaming together about how to share their love and resources by expanding their family they asked a simple question: “Could we really consider foster care?” Discover The Surprising Answer It all started with a…

America’s Kids Belong Launches Dream Makers To Serve Kids Post Foster Care

America’s Kids Belong announced today that its Dream Makers Project will spin out to become an independent 501(c)(3) organization, serving the more than 23,000 youth who age out of foster care each year without a family. Dream Makers ( will serves aging-out youth by “fulfilling dreams” that help them navigate some of the financial challenges of adulthood.

Friends in Foster Care

So, Your Child Wants to Be Friends With a Kid in Foster Care…   School has started and your child has come home talking about another kid in class. As you begin to quiz your child about this new friend, you…

Businesses Help Vulnerable Kids in Indiana

In the fast-paced world of profits, losses and competition, the commonly held belief is that the government, faith and family can help foster children, but not the business world. Indiana Kids Belong (IKB) is privileged to have a front row…

Building the Berry Family

Kenny and I always knew we were going to adopt one day. By Lydia Berry I had spent years browsing the Louisiana Heart Gallery watching videos from America’s Kids Belong of each child and reading their bios. After many discussions,…

Let the Pimps Have the Tough Kids

“The pimps will take them.”   That line hit me like a punch to my gut.  I was talking with a child welfare worker in a west-coast county.  She explained when kids age out of foster care at 18, they…

Cameras Rolling Just in the Nick of Time

"While we were filming 10 of Kentucky's kids, a caseworker who was there received a notice that no other children could be removed from the facilities. Had that message gotten to him 1 hour earlier, the child he brought would not have been able to come. That same child told us it was one of his best days and it reminded him of Easter!"

Turning Cares into Prayers

Pray continually. Really? How? By Brian Mavis, AKB President   “A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned Godward.” – Phillips Brooks  ”Everything that one turns in the direction of God is a prayer.” – St. Ignatius…

5 Ways the Church Can Impact Foster Care Right Now

5 Ways the Church Can Impact Foster Care Right Now By Krista Petty of America’s Kids Belong & Kristin Miller of Tennessee Kids Belong The health and economic implications of the COVID-19 crisis are rightfully at center stage right now,…

10 Ways COVID19 Affects Foster Care

10 More Ways the Coronavirus Affects Foster Care: Government Edition  Background: You may have seen America’s Kids Belong post on “7 Ways COVID-19 Crisis Impacts Foster Kids/Care (and They’re All Bad).” That article focused on our number one priority: the…

School Teachers, Foster Care and COVID-19

A School Teacher Introduced Me to Foster Care By Krista Petty, Faith Sphere Manager, America’s Kids Belong Unless someone jogs my memory, I can’t name a single family or kid involved in foster care from my childhood…or even through college.…