“There was something unique in how primed the kids were for family. They just wanted it so badly.”
– Adriana Howard, speaking of the four siblings she and her husband adopted in 2020
Each year our I Belong Project™ films 500+ adoption-eligible kids in foster care.
In a family I would want someone who would actually listen to me, someone who would give me a hug when I need it; someone who would care for me.
The goal of foster care is to provide a safe, temporary place for kids until their bio families can be reunited safely.
Sadly, for about 100,000 kids the option to be reunified is no longer possible, and they either wait to age out, alone and without a support system, or they seek to be adopted.
Our I Belong Project video storytelling initiative was started in 2015 to give a face and a voice to young people seeking adoptive families. We create a safe, therapeutic environment where we interview each child and invite them to share who they are, their dreams for the future and what family means to them:
A family dinner table. Games. Movie night. Unconditional love. Acceptance. These are some of the simple experiences and values we hear every day from the kids we serve.
Our desire is to shine a light on kids who are often overlooked and less likely to be placed — teens and sibling groups top the list.
As you watch these stories we hope you will be inspired by the courage, vulnerability and hope on display in each one of these amazing young people.
Can I Adopt From Foster Care?
Before inquiring about specific children in our I Belong Project, it is helpful to understand a few things about the process.
- You need a current home study. Child welfare requires applicants to have a completed home study and/or to be a licensed foster parent. Child welfare does not consider inquiries without a home study or foster license. You can contact your child welfare office or a state-approved licensed child placement agency (LCPA) to start the home study process. Find your state contacts here.
- In-state families often receive preference. Families who reside in the same state as the child receive preference, as this helps maintain bonds with siblings and extended family, friends and classmates. Kids lose a lot when they enter foster care, reducing those losses as much as possible is important to healing.
- The process can be complex and time-consuming. Many factors are considered in placement of a given child that you may not be made aware of. It’s important to practice patient perseverance in pursuing adoption from foster care, and to keep an open heart and open mind as you consider children who could be a fit for your family.
- The cost of adopting from foster care is minimal. One helpful aspect of foster-adopt is that the costs associated with the adoption process itself are usually covered by the state.
Every Child Deserves To Belong
Belonging in this family means a LOT to be because I’ve never belonged in a family before.
– Harvey, adopted through I Belong Project
Quotes From Our “I Belong Project” Kids

You Can Be Part Of Creating Belonging For Kids In Foster Care
Invest In Family

Our I Belong Project is built on belief in the power of story to change lives.
I Belong Project uses high-quality videography to elevate the voices of children in foster care who are legally free for adoption, and give them a platform to share their desire for a loving, adoptive family. About 60 percent of the kids we film find matches with adoptive families.
Each year our videos inspire thousands of people to explore fostering and adoption, and motivates businesses and faith communities to take the first steps toward becoming Foster Friendly .
Your support can help sustain and expand this valuable work. Donate today or learn how you or your business can become an I Belong Project sponsor
I Belong Project is a trademark of America’s Kids Belong.