Category Video

National Adoption Month: A Time for Awareness and Action
November is National Adoption Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the adoption process and the importance of finding forever families for children in foster care. Adoption is more than just a legal process; it’s a transformative journey that…

Fostering Permanency: Adoption from the Foster Care System
America’s Kids Belong’s 2024 FosterCon webinar series held an online webinar (now available online) titled Fostering Permanency. The webinar featured Pam Willis, who along with her husband, found her “Yes” in her 50s, after raising five bio kids. The couple…

Having Our Hearts Enlarged for Older Kids and Teens in Foster Care
Eight years ago my husband and I were driving away from an orphanage in Congo, with our newly adopted eight-month-old daughter. Behind us was a line of older children standing shoulder to shoulder on the orphanage porch, crying. At one…

America’s Kids Belong Launches “Invest in Family” Campaign
Our co-founder, Brian Mavis likes to say, “A good family is better than a great program.” And it’s true. For kids in foster care, the gift of belonging in a family can prevent severe social wounds – like trafficking and…