All fostering info panels are free and will offer people interested in exploring fostering an opportunity to learn more about:
- Becoming foster parents
- Practical tips on navigating the child welfare system
- Ways to support foster families in your community
- Insights on thriving as foster parents/helping kids in your care thrive
- The highest levels of needs in foster care…and so much more.
AKB’s fostering info panels were created for people who are interested in exploring fostering or supporting kids in foster care in some way, as well as to offer practical tips and support to those already actively engaged.
Panel 1: What Does It Mean To Engage Foster Care?
Tue., Aug. 15 and Wed., Oct. 11 , both at 7:30 p.m. ET
Have you seen foster parents in your community and thought “What can I do to help support them?” Are you someone who has thought about being a foster parent and want to be equipped with more information? Have you ever wondered if there are other ways to get involved in foster care without fostering? This panel will be inspiring and heartwarming, practical and informative. We would love to have you join us and hear more about what foster care engagement is all about.
This panel will be hosted twice with two different panels.
Panel 2: Navigating Foster Parenting: From Getting Licensed to Accepting Your First Placement
Thu., Aug 31 at 7:30 p.m. ET
Have you decided to engage foster care and find navigating the licensing processes feels overwhelming? Have you felt a bit lost as you work on paperwork or wait for your home study? Do you wonder how you will transition to this new world of foster parenting and what it will be like to get your first placements?
We know the child welfare system can be complicated and sometimes frustrating to navigate and understand. Sometimes just knowing you are not alone and hearing how others have transitioned to this worthy work can be really valuable. It is vitally important to set up your team of supporters ahead of time, and prepare you and your family for fostering. This panel will have many nuggets of wisdom to take with you and help you persevere and prepare for the amazing and courageous kids who will be in your care.
Panel 3: How To Thrive As A Foster Parent
Thu., Sept 21 at 7:30 p.m. ET
Has fostering been way harder than you ever thought possible? Has foster care trauma been a complex and confusing puzzle that seems to have more than a few missing pieces? Have you found yourself feeling overwhelmed and alone in this work? Burned out and you just started? We know most foster parents need more community, additional resources, and better supports in order to thrive and help the kids in their care thrive. In this panel you will hear from experienced foster parents, a foster parent recruiter, a former foster parenting coach, and a former foster youth on the topic of thriving in foster care.
You’ll learn some ways to create better personal and family rhythms, new self-care practices, and ways to better pace yourself to last so you can truly help these vulnerable children, but not at the expense of your own well-being. This panel will be real, practical, and interactive. You’ll gain some helpful tips and ideas and hopefully will see some of the lost passion behind the “why” that got you into fostering reignited.
Panel 4: What Does It Look Like To Care For The Highest Needs In Foster Care?
Tue., Sept 26 at 7:30 p.m. ET
Do you want to help where you are most needed in foster care? Are you open to unique challenges and learning how you can stay positive and supported with difficult obstacles? Can you see yourself considering a group of children that often gets overlooked when parents become licensed? Special considerations are needed for teens, sibling groups, disabilities, and therapeutic placements in foster care. These children are desperately in need of love and attachment despite a large percentage of foster parents unwilling to consider them.
You will hear from a licensed professional counselor, foster parents who’ve engaged in this arena, and a former youth in foster care. All panelists will share what is most rewarding and challenging about these unique groups and some resources to consider as well. We know that not everyone is able to consider higher needs groups but for those who do, young and vulnerable lives will be forever impacted by those who lean into their lives.
We look forward to having you join us for one or more of these panels! If you know others who might be interested, please share this link.