Join the Family: Become A Foster Or Adoptive Parent

There is a critical shortage of foster homes. Learn what it takes to foster and sign up for an upcoming FosterCon webinar to hear from real people about their real experiences fostering.

We have the privilege to film and help raise awareness for kids in foster care seeking adoptive homes. Visit our I Belong Project gallery to meet adoption-eligible kids and learn about the foster-adopt process.

We rely almost exclusively on generosity of individuals like you to fund our mission. When you become an AKB partner with a monthly gift of $10 or more, you help recruit and retain more foster families and help more adoption-eligible kids find homes.

We’re Bringing Fostering Closer To Home


America’s Kids Belong is bringing foster care closer to home with stories from the front lines. Hear from former foster and adoptive parents, former foster youth, business and faith leaders, elected officials, child-welfare experts and and other guests who are shaping the future of foster care.

Webinar Series

Learn from foster parents and experts in the field. Get your questions answered and be inspired! Foster parents can earn up 10+ hours in CE credits.


Meet the Kids

Nationwide, nearly one-quarter of kids in foster care are legally free for adoption, nearly 15,000 in California alone.
Our I Belong Project is a video storytelling initiative that gives kids a face and a voice and helps connect many of them with loving, forever families.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey to foster, a seasoned foster parent considering adoption or simply someone with a heart for vulnerable kids, we invite you to meet, listen to and see some of the amazing kids right here in our community in need of adoptive families.

California Kids Belong Is Part Of The America’s Kids Belong Family

We’re dramatically improving the experiences and outcomes for kids in foster care.

We have 1 mission: FAMILY

We Target 2 Profound Problems

  • RECRUITMENT – Foster care has half as many foster parents as kids in care.
  • RETENTION – Half of new foster parents quit within a year.

We Offer 3 Signature Solutions

I Belong Project logo

Our I Belong Project™ video storytelling initiative recruits families for adoption-eligible kids in foster care. It is the largest, most effective program of its kind. As it brings children’s powerful stories to life, it also inspires thousands of new people each year to get engaged engage foster care.

I Belong Project logo

Our Foster Friendly
movement and App seek to retain foster families by engaging the communities where they live and work — activating businesses, faith communities, nonprofits and elected officials to appreciate and support their important work.

I Belong Project logo

We raise awareness of foster care to recruit foster and adoptive families and accompany them on their journeys by providing information and inspiration to help them take their next step. Our Foster Friendly Podcast and FosterCon webinars are just two of our well-recognized resources.