Inspired by the powerful true story, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, follows Donna and Reverend Martin as they ignite a fire in the hearts of their rural church to embrace kids in the foster system that nobody else would take.
Helping adults create places where children feel safe, welcome, and loved.
Summer camp for children currently or previously in foster care where all adults are trauma informed.
I am not a voice for the voiceless – I aim to offer opportunity for the voiceless to raise their voices.
The Casey Foundation offers a comprehensive financial education curriculum — built around eight modules or "keys" — to help youth grow their financial aptitude and make better financial decisions.
A groundbreaking guidebook meticulously crafted for child welfare stakeholders dedicated to empowering young people navigating the challenging transition out of the foster care system.
The Stuffed Giraffe is the story of Ben, a little boy who is full of excitement (and a little bit of nervousness) at the thought of becoming a foster brother.
In this memoir, Destini shares her vivid and detailed memories of her experience navigating child abuse, kinship care, foster care and finding a future despite the broken pieces of the past.
The purpose of Cultivate Connection is to empower parents and caregivers to be confident, calm, curious, compassionate and connected.
TBRI® is a powerful, proven method of intervention for caregivers of children who have faced abuse, neglect, and/or other trauma. This link is for a map of all TBRI® practitioners.
Whether you are a part of the foster care community, passionate about serving or simply interested in learning more—here are some resources to help you get started.
CarePortal is the largest network of caring people to meet the needs of kids and families in crisis.