Tori Hope Peterson

Tori Hope Peterson

Tori Hope Peterson

My experience in foster care as a former foster youth, foster care advocate, & foster mom fuels my life’s passion to raise up & nurture my own family, as well as advocate for those without family. My heart is burdened for the foster care community, foster youth, vulnerable youth, & suffering families.

I share my life with hopes to let my Abba Father be known through stories, to offer hope to the hurting, & to serve people who are often ostracized and left out.

Cost: Free

Author Information

Tori Hope Peterson and her husband, Jacob, founded Beloved Initiative, a nonprofit that seeks to change the narrative for youth in foster care. They’re also the founders of the Fostering the Good Scholarship at Hillsdale College. Together, they raise a three-year old boy, a one year old baby girl, and young adult adopted son, as well as any foster youth who come in and out of their care.