Join Our Foster Friendly Little Rock Movement
Every Child Little Rock seeks to activate the business community in its initiative to show up for kids and families involved in foster care. When families who foster feel seen, supported and valued they’re more likely to continue fostering. And your support can make a difference.

Honor Foster Families The Same Way We Do Other First Responders
As a local retailer you are solicited to support your community in countless ways,
What if there was a way to make a powerful difference in the lives of children and families in need simply by doing what you do best, supplying your business services or products, but at a discount that tells foster families the work they do is seen and valued by the community?
Help Us Build a Foster Friendly Movement
When your business joins the Foster Friendly App you’re joining a movement, one that seeks to engage entire communities — businesses, faith communities, nonprofits and municipal leaders — to support current kinship and foster families, and provide the support needed to attract new foster parents until every child in foster care in your community has a place to belong.
Foster Friendly Communities are places where:
- There are enough licensed families retained and recruited to serve the kids in care.
- The mayor’s office proclaims the community’s aspiration to be Foster Friendly.
- 10% of retail businesses join the Foster Friendly App
- 5% of faith communities commit to become Foster Friendly by adopting 2 of our 3 best practices.
Why Kids Aging Out Of Foster Care With Families Is An Urgent Community Crisis
Age out of the U.S. foster
care system each year
Lifetime social-service cost
per child
Caring for Kids In Foster Care Is A Responsibility We All Share
It’s impossible to understate the effect on a child of aging out of foster care without a family…and on the adult they will become.
The lifelong adverse effects are wide-ranging and staggering. Foster care is a “root cause” of many of society’s deepest social wounds.

Behind these worrisome outcomes are hurting, vulnerable kids, who as young adults find themselves in hard places through no fault of their own. Every one of them has a name, a story, hopes and dreams – most of which will remain unfulfilled if no one stands in the gap to provide a stable home environment and family.
The challenges of today’s foster care system ripple into the vitality of our communities as a whole. Every child who ages out of foster care without a family will incur hundreds of thousands in social services over a lifetime. And that’s just the tangible costs.
Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.