Lily (Liliana) VA01320527

“In a family I want to just be loved for who I am…”

Liliana (who goes by Lily) is creative and loves art. She enjoys singing and has sung in the chorus for both church and school. Lily also likes cooking and baking. She has taken some cooking classes and has baked for charity. Recently, she has taken an interest in reading and especially enjoys anime. Lily also just tried basketball and found out that this is a new interest of hers. Lily’s favorite subject in school is science. Right now she is in advanced biology and loves it! She knows she will need a science background to go after her dream job of being a veterinarian.

Lily hopes for a family who will support her in her goals of attending college and starting her anticipated career. She sees family as “someone who is there for you when you really need them.” In a family, trust and honesty are the most important things to her and she “just wants to be loved for who she is.” Lily is looking forward to staying connected with her brother and considers herself as a role model to him. Lily would like to be placed in a home with an active parent or parent(s) who enjoy doing things in the community. Will you be the family who will be there to support Lily in her future and love her for who she is?

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