Kayla (Likayla)

“Mistakes only help me grow.”

Kayla is a smart, caring, outgoing young lady who is wise beyond her years. She writes her own music and poems and has a powerful way of using her words to express herself and what she is trying to convey. In addition to writing, Kayla enjoys basketball,  playing board games and arts and crafts. She is a team player who always works hard to accomplish her goals and shows kindness and respect to those around her.

Kayla is seeking a family with a strong female role model. She desires connection and someone who she can relate to. Kayla needs people in her life who won’t give up on her and will show her the unconditional love she deserves. Could you be the family who will help nurture Kayla’s creativity and show her the support she needs to thrive? 

Inquire About This Child

Changing The Experiences And Outcomes For Kids In Foster Care

Ready To Take The Next Step?

4 Ways To Care For Kids In Foster Care


Are you interested in adopting one of the kids featured on our site? Submit an inquiry. Then explore our site to learn more.


Meeting the amazing kids in our foster care system often stirs hearts to consider fostering.


One of the simplest next steps you can take is to share our "I Belong Project" videos on your social media and invite people you know to learn about fostering and adoption.


Our Foster Friendly App was created to support area kinship and foster families. Nominate a business to join the app, or invite your faith community to become Foster Friendly.