Media Kit

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Branding Board



NOTE: Core to our commitment to respect the dignity of the children we have the privilege to serve is that we never use their voices or stories to fundraise. This video can be shared only to educate and create awareness of the needs of kids in foster care.

Each year we have the privilege of filming hundreds of kids in foster care who are eligible for adoption and seeking permanent homes. This video reflects just a few of the faces and voices from foster care that we have helped amplify through our signature I Belong Project.
Family Photos follows three young people on their journeys from foster care to sharing their stories through the America’s Kids Belong “I Belong Project” and ultimately to finding their place in adoptive families — and family photos — all their own. 
America’s Kids Belong invites you to learn how you can be part of the solution to helping kids in foster care thrive and feel a greater sense of “belonging” in their communities. We work to dramatically improve the experiences and outcomes of kids in foster care, so they thrive in safe, loving families, supported by Foster Friendly communities where they belong. While not everyone in a community is able to foster or adopt, everyone has a valuable role to play in supporting the kids and families in foster care. We’re tuning the hearts and minds of entire communities toward kids in foster care.
Richard and Rachel share how their battle with addiction led to their young son entering into foster care. In what was the darkest, most painful pit in their lives, they both found the strength to journey upward and forward. Finding support and inspiration through self work, therapy, and faith they regained their footing as healthy parents. All while a loving foster family believed in them and supported them as they took great care of their son. A beautiful picture of how the love and care of foster parents can provide biological parents the time and space to come back to health and wholeness. The restoration of a family is a beautiful and powerful thing.