Category Social Work

DID YOU KNOW? How to prevent Child abuse

DID YOU KNOW??? When we talk about the prevention of child abuse, the most and often best strategies to prevent child abuse is directly related to supporting families before there is a crisis. Now, more than ever, families are struggling…

Let’s Hear it for the Social Workers!

Written by Susannah Petty, Tennessee Department of Children’s Services March is Social Worker Appreciation Month, and Susannah Petty with the Department of Children’s Services shares about her experiences and how communities can show support. I never thought about going into…

Open Letter to All Social Workers

We see you. To the ones who are still doing investigations, on the front lines, going into homes, we see you and thank you for risking your health. To the ones who are making hard decisions to remove a child…

Voice for the Vulnerable

In honor of Child Welfare Worker Appreciation Week, we would love to share some insights from our Executive Director who spent several years as a social worker on the front lines. As a former Child Abuse Investigator, I have interviewed…