Foster Parent Requirements In Indiana

Indiana Foster Care is your best resource for information about becoming a kinship or foster parent in our state. But here are some key requirements to be aware of.
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Demonstrate financial stability.
- Own or rent housing that meets physical-safety standards (e.g., fire extinguishers, adequate bedroom space, reliable transportation).
- Demonstrate home stability. Foster parents do not need to be married, may be single or cohabitating. A live-in relationship with a significant other or same-sex partner should be established for at least one year to demonstrate stability.
Note: This link will take you to Indiana Foster Care; be sure you’ve connected with us using the form above before you leave.
Learn How to Get Licensed to Foster
Before you can be considered for foster care or adoption you’ll need to complete a home study.
A home study (also known as a family assessment) is a process conducted by a caseworker to help prepare you and confirm that you meet the requirements to foster.
- A home study begins with an interview by the caseworker to get to know you and your family at your home.
- It often includes a home-safety inspection.
- One of the main components of the home study is a budget submission that shows that you are financially stable without the per diem (foster parent compensation).
- The final deliverable is a written report that makes recommendations about the characteristics and number of children you are able to support in your care. Your agency will work with you to ensure your home meets their requirements and will give you time to make any improvements. Home studies vary from state-to-state and agency-to-agency.
In Indiana you have two options for becoming licensed as a foster parent.
Work with Indiana Foster Care
Work with a Private Agency
- When families pursue licensing through Indiana Foster Care you work with a regional foster care team to complete background checks, paperwork, training and the licensing process. Once licensed you will be assigned to a foster care specialist, who will provide you with support and meet with you a few times a year to help maintain your license.
- Licensed Child Placing Agencies (LCPAs) work in partnership with the Indiana Foster Care and follow the same licensing requirements. Your license will be managed by the LCPA, but approved by the state.
- LCPAs may be for-profit or nonprofit organizations. Their coverage areas may vary.
- These agencies provide extra training and support for families who take in children with a higher level of need.
- LCPAs are contracted by the state to license “therapeutic homes,” families that receive additional training and support to prepare to take placement of children with higher needs.
- LCPAs have their own guidelines for licensing families based on the family’s preferences and abilities.
Keep Learning About Foster Care In Our State