Foster Friendly Faith Best Practice #3

Teach On Foster Care And Adoption In A Main Gathering.

Statistics show people of faith are far more likely to adopt and foster.

Your faith community’s commitment to teach on God’s heart for vulnerable kids is an important catalyst to raising awareness of the need for foster and adoptive parents, and inspiring people to take the next step to explore how they are called to help.

For some the answer may indeed be to become a foster or adoptive parent. Yet for many others it may be a decision to care for families as they stand in the gap for vulnerable kids. When they say yes to joining a support ministry within your faith community or locally, they’re help to encourage and retain kinship and foster families. Their support is valuable and essential.

Here Is Help For Teaching And Connecting On Foster Care And Adoption

Sermon Guide
Sermon Guide

Help and resources to prepare to teach on the intersection between faith and foster care/ adoption, and God’s heart for vulnerable children.

Foster Care Awareness  Sermon Outline
Foster Care Awareness
Sermon Outline

Here is an outline for a sermon exposition of James 1:27 to build Foster Care Awareness.

Foster Parent Assessment
Foster Parent Assessment

Use this survey template to identify the kinship, foster and adoptive families in your community and to connect with their needs.

Explore More Foster Friendly Best Practices

#1 Become Trauma Aware

Ensure your children and youth leaders, staff and volunteers are trauma aware. Find training resources here.

#2 Launch A Support Ministry

Launch an ongoing ministry to serve adoptive, kinship and foster families in your faith community. Explore options and get free resources here.