Foster Friendly® Businesses Make an Impact
Foster Friendly Businesses use their unique products or services to benefit foster families. Generous companies show up for foster families by removing barriers to access their offerings. As a result, families build connection over meals together, create lifelong memories at local attractions, capture sweet moments during photography sessions, heal with the help of trauma-informed counselors and so much more.

Foster parents access offers through the innovative Foster Friendly® App. By downloading the app, foster and kinship families receive instant access to a statewide network of support. The exclusive discounts and services found on the app alleviate financial pressures and feelings of isolation, allowing families to keep their homes open longer and best serve those placed in their care. Supporting kids in foster care is something that everyone can agree on. It’s a non-controversial way to show social responsibility.
Why Businesses Become Foster Friendly
It is an absolute joy for my employees to be able to serve foster families in the community. After hearing about creative ways to serve families and children, it was a no-brainer to donate our company’s services. It is such a small ask for us financially, but makes a huge difference for each family. What a gift to be able to use our resources in this way.
Jasmine McClarney, CEO and Founder Green Room Cleaners
Corporate Responsibility
Foster Friendly Businesses serve as safe spaces within the community, where everyone is welcome and staff are attuned to the unique needs of kids in care. Internally, businesses experience the rewarding sense of corporate responsibility and community engagement while building a culture of compassion and inclusivity. We encourage your business to align with a non-controversial cause with generational impact.

- Everyone Agrees – Kids Belong in Families
Supporting kids in foster care is something that everyone can agree on. It’s a non-controversial way to show social responsibility. - Long-Term Benefits
Helping foster families creates lasting, positive change for generations to come, improving our communities now and in the future. - Substantial Economic Impact
When kids age out of foster care without a stable family, they face many challenges. Without a place to belong, former foster youth typically require an average of $300,000 in social services over their lifetimes.
When we found out about the needs within the foster care community in TN, we had to help. We saw an opportunity to provide vehicles for these families. It would be a shame to have siblings split up because a foster family doesn’t have a large enough vehicle.”
Paul Hubber, Director of Technology, Nissan Cool Springs
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