Half of licensed parents stop fostering within the first year, often due to a lack of social support. Families can go from two kids at the dinner table to five around the breakfast table. Being able to say yes to standing in that gap take more than willingness, it creates some substantial, practical needs for support.
You Can Find Foster Friendly Resources On Our Free App
Georgia Kids Belong offers a Foster Friendly App that supports foster families with:
Valuable services and discounts from by area businesses offered exclusively for support foster parents
Links to faith communities that are Foster Friendly.
Download the Foster Friendly App now.
Then search offers in your area. New offers are being added regularly, so be sure to check back often.
What Businesses Do You Want To Invite To Become Foster Friendly?
What businesses would you like to see on the Foster Friendly App?
Foster parents are among the most passionate and effective voices for recruiting businesses to join our Foster Friendly App. You are a customer and you understand the importance of community support to support foster families.
Download our Ambassadors Guide and get all the information you need to approach businesses in your neighborhood.
You also can nominate businesses here, and we’ll follow up to invite them to consider joining our Foster Friendly App.
Is Your Faith Community Foster Friendly?
If you’re already part of a faith community, consider inviting them to become Foster Friendly. Here are some of the important ways faith communities can support foster care:
Teach about the intersection of foster care and faith to encourage more people to consider fostering, and to honor and encourage those who do.
Ensure their children and youth staff and volunteers are trauma aware.
Support a ministry for kinship and foster families.
Our Foster Friendly Faith flyer highlights these best practices and provides resources to help your community take the next steps. Share it with your leadership next weekend.