Fostering is hard, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.
Half of new foster families quit in the first year, often citing a lack of social support. Faith communities are among the best positioned to change those outcomes by outreach to vulnerable kids and the families who serve them. Here are just a few ways faith communities can help families stay stronger and foster longer:
- WRAP-around teams that help with activities of daily living
- Support groups for foster and adoptive families
- Foster Parents Night Out to offer respite for parents

Is Your Faith Community Foster Friendly?
Here Are The 3 Best Practices To Become A Foster Friendly Faith Community.

Trauma Aware
Ensure volunteers in child and youth ministry are trauma aware.
Offer trauma awareness training to staff, children and youth volunteers annually to ensure those serving in children and youth ministries are aware of the impact trauma can have on infants, children and teens.

kinship, adoptive and foster families.
Launch a ministry to support foster, kinship and adoptive families. Or add foster parents to an existing support ministry. America’s Kids Belong offers ideas and tools to help.

on foster / adoption care at least once annually.
Teach in a main gathering on God’s heart for vulnerable children and families and give people an opportunity to respond. People of faith are significantly more likely to say yes to foster care and adoption than the general population.