South Dakota Kids Belong partners with Governor Kristi Noem’s Stronger Families Together initiative, along with other political and community/tribal leaders, to drive sustainable change in foster care..
We’re committed to bringing hope to communities across our state by liaising across these sectors to collaborate in order to dramatically improve the experiences and outcomes of children in foster care. It’s a big vision that we are committed to bringing to reality in South Dakota – and across the country as part of the America’s Kids Belong family.
These South Dakota Communities Are Becoming Foster Friendly
MAY 13, 2023
Belle Fourche
JUNE 19, 2023
Rapid City
OCTOBER 19, 2023
WHEREAS, the aim of South Kids Belong is to empower and equip leaders in the government, business, faith-based, and creative sectors to recruit and retain enough foster, kinship, and adoptive parents to meet the needs of kids in foster care; and,
WHEREAS, South Dakota Kids Belong serves the Strong Families Together government initiative around foster care; and
WHEREAS, South Dakota Kids Belong is currently a leading partner in Stronger Families Together, the government initiative around foster care launched in May of 2021; and
WHEREAS, South Dakota Kids Belong/Stronger Families Together is a statewide effort supported by over 125 foster-friendly businesses, over 35 churches, and 27 community leaders throughout the state
WHEREAS, South Dakota Kids Belong empowers people to recognize that regardless of one’s occupation, skillset, and life stage, one has the unique ability & opportunity to impact the lives of children in foster care.
WHEREAS, together we can provide every single foster family the wrap around support of their community- from meeting their tangible needs to their own employers and local businesses supporting their journey.
WHEREAS, together we commit to ensuring every child in foster care has a home and a sense of BELONGING.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, do hereby proclaim today Stronger Families Together Initiative and/or SDKB Awareness and urge all citizens to support the efforts of the Stronger Families Together initiative;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Mayor is committed to the continued support of South Dakota Kids Belong and their efforts to one day see enough foster, adoptive, and kinship families to meet the needs of children in foster care.
Be The Change
If you are working in the foster care and adoption space; if you’re an elected official; or if you have a platform and heart for vulnerable kids, we’d love to connect.