Want To Explore Foster Parenting?
As you begin the journey to explore foster parenting, South Dakota Kids Belong will support you:
View kids in our state’s foster care system who are legally free for adoption.
Connect with other foster parents, experts and resources.
Become trauma aware and invite your support network to do the same.
Connect with Foster Friendly Community businesses, faith communities and other organizations that are committed to supporting South Dakota’s kinship and foster families.
Let’s Connect
Foster Parent Requirements In South Dakota

- Stronger Families Together website is your best resource for information about becoming a kinship or foster parent in our state. Stronger Families Together is a call to action to recruit, prepare, and support foster and adoptive families based on the following principles:
- All children deserve to grow up in a family where they are loved and protected.
- Foster families are needed to care for children and support their families when they are experiencing challenges that cause the children to be unsafe.
- Encouragement, support, and services are needed for parents, kinship families, foster families, and adoptive families to provide the best care possible for children.
- Families are needed to provide children a safe, stable, and permanent forever family if they cannot return home.
Here are some key requirements to become a foster parent
- Minimum age of 21
- Demonstrate financial stability.
- Housing must meet physical-safety standards (e.g., fire extinguishers, adequate bedroom space, reliable transportation), but there is no requirement of home ownership or size of home.
- Demonstrate home stability.
- To ensure the safety of children in foster care, potential foster families are screened for past criminal activity. Convictions are not necessarily disqualifying, but must go through a review process.
Note: This link will take you to South Dakota Department of Social Services. Be sure you submitted our connect form (above) before leaving South Dakota Kids Belong.
Two Reliable Paths To Become A Certified Foster Parent in South Dakota
Basic Level Foster Care
The first option is to work through South Dakota Department of Social Services.
Therapeutic Foster Care
You also may work with an approved private provider, including therapeutic licensing agencies designated by region. For more information visit Stronger Families Together
Pierre Area: Capital Area Counseling (60-mile radius) 605.224.5811
Rapid City and Sioux Falls (60-mi radius):
Children’s Home Society 605-334-6004
Lutheran Social Services 605-444.7500
Tribal Foster Care Programs
- Oglala Sioux Tribe Child Protection Program; 605.867.5752
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Child Protection Program; 701.854.3431
- Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Child Protection Program; 605.698.3992
- Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Child Protection Program; 605.997.5055
- Crow Creek Sioux Tribe ICWA Program; 605.245.2581
Fostering Well Means Caring For Parents As Well As Kids
his is the story of Richard and Rachel. They had been living a life filled with addiction. Their addiction stemmed from unhealthy coping of their own childhood trauma. They became a crutch to each other keeping the other stuck in the cycle of addition.
Their son was removed from them as result of their addiction and sent to live with foster parents. It seemed as if this case was headed toward adoption.
But things started to change for Rachel and Richard. Thanks to the court-ordered fit program and their personal commitments to working toward recovery they started to see they could be healthy, safe and loving parents to their little boy.
Richard and Rachel started meeting milestones at a record rate and became a source of inspiration to others in the program with them. The support of their son’s foster parents was a key piece of helping to motivate them. The foster parents encouraged them during visits and even attended their fit court graduation.
After meeting the goals set by the court Rachel and Richard were reunited with their son. Richard even helped with a new curriculum for people in fit court. A few years ago this family moved closer to family.
Today they are active in their church and community, Richard shares his testimony every chance he gets, and best of all, their son is now thriving, surrounded by his large, loving family.
Got Questions?
Our team is standing by to help.
Use our connect form (above) or email State Director Kristi Woolsey.
Our America’s Kids Belong family offers a free, one-hour trauma awareness course to help you – and the people you do life with – prepare a strong and healthy support system for kids you care for as a foster parent.
South Dakota Foster Families Share Their Stories
Meet Jared and Keli Wilson, and some other South Dakota foster and biological parents, as they share their experiences.