Mya, Antwoine, Akeem, Aydan, Aa’Liyaeh S-0013

Set of 5 siblings hope to be adopted together.

Sibling set of five Mya, Antwoine, Akeem, Aydan, and Aa’Liyaeh are bonded siblings who wish be to adopted together! As the oldest, it’s clear Mya cares deeply for her younger siblings! You can catch her taking time to listen to each one of her younger siblings and helping to give them the best big sister advice. Mya has many interests and enjoys keeping herself busy. In the past she’s participated in sports like softball and soccer. She is eager to be part of a family who can support her in such activities! Mya is a fan of hobbies such as gardening, bike riding, or playing her favorite game: Rat Ball. Mya loves music! She dreams of being a pop singer one day. She has an outgoing personality and is a social butterfly! Much like his sister, Antwoine takes pride in being an older sibling! In fact, when asked what he’s most proud of, he specifically said he’s most proud of being the eldest brother. His favorite past time is playing sports like soccer and basketball with his two younger brothers. Antwoine has a humorous and animated personality, he’s bound to make you chuckle with his silly expressions! Akeem is sibling number three! An athlete as well, he likes basketball, football, and soccer. He even wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. Akeem is known to be curious, often asking inquisitive questions to expand his understanding in things. And while it may not be obvious right away, Akeem can have a loving soft spot for those he cares about. This is likely what leads him to be protective of his siblings, especially the younger ones! Akeem is eager for a ‘no matter’ what family together with his siblings! Aydan loves a good laugh! You are bound to make him laugh with your best jokes. It is only natural that with two big brothers who love sports, that Aydan is also a sports fanatic. He of course loves basketball and football! Aydan and his brothers would benefit from an adoptive family who encourages them to participate in extracurricular sporting activities! Aydan tends to be quite shy, often being the last one to talk in a room full of people. But even with his quiet demeanor he still likes to be included in all the fun! Aa’Liyaeh is the youngest of the bunch! Much like Aydan, she comes off a little bit shy. But once you get to know her, she’s as sweet and sassy as can be! Aa’Liyaeh is your typical girl who loves pink, glitter, and anything fabulous. Naturally, she’d like to be a princess when she grows up! Aa’Liyaeh balances out her girly characteristics with an adventurous side. She finds enjoyment in time playing outside and even played recreational t-ball and soccer! Being the youngest of five, Aa’Liyaeh lights up when she gets to spend time with all her older siblings! Do you think you could be the right family for Mya, Antwoine, Akeem, Aydan, and Aa’Liyaeh? Inquire below to learn more!

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