Michael VA01320150

Michael is very curious, outgoing, creative and just wants a home where he feels safe, loved, and accepted.

Michael is an outgoing, comical and hands on child. He enjoys playing basketball, swimming, Tae Kwon Do, building projects, playing outside, electronics, and really likes drama class.

He would benefit from a family that loves him for being himself and that enjoys being outside and doing projects. He likes to socialize, attend church, and play sports. He is a strong advocate and doesn’t back down from a challenge.

He would benefit from a family that is patient with him as he learns to trust them. He loves pets and would do best in a two-parent home. Michael is very curious, outgoing, creative and just wants a home where he feels safe, loved, and accepted. Could you provide this home for Michael?

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Changing The Experiences And Outcomes For Kids In Foster Care

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4 Ways To Care For Kids In Foster Care


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