Logan VA01320576

“Belonging to me, looks like being able to actually settle down in one place and being able to feel comfortable.”

Logan is a bright young man with a deep sense of curiosity. He loves to be goofy and find joy in a given situation. Logan can be somewhat reserved, but loves to talk about his many interests, which currently include anime, reading, and learning about new places. He enjoys video games, particularly super hero ones. He prefers DC because of the complex storytelling, making him guess who will win in the end. Logan is a talented student as well, and his favorite class is social studies. He hopes to one day travel to the many places he has learned about and taste authentic foods.

Logan has experienced a lot of change and hopes for the stability that a family can provide. To Logan, belonging “looks like being able to settle down in one place and being able to feel comfortable”. He values respect and would love a family with a pet, particularly a cat. He plans to continue his education and needs people in his life to offer him support and encouragement in his interests. Logan would be a great addition to a variety of homes. Could your family be the one to offer Logan a place of comfort and permanency where he will finally know he belongs?

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Changing The Experiences And Outcomes For Kids In Foster Care

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4 Ways To Care For Kids In Foster Care


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One of the simplest next steps you can take is to share our "I Belong Project" videos on your social media and invite people you know to learn about fostering and adoption.


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