Gregory 7792

“I really want to be Spider-Man or Iron Man if I had to choose.”

Please note, only families in Kansas are being considered at this time.

Say hello to Gregory, a young boy with a curious and adventurous spirit! He has a passion for exploring the outdoors and discovering how the world around him works. His favorite pastime is climbing trees, where he can be high up and hidden from everyone. Gregory is also a creative soul who enjoys playing with Legos and constructing new masterpieces. When he grows up, he hopes to turn his passion for building into a career. In his downtime, Gregory enjoys playing video games or watching movies to unwind. A thoughtful young man, Gregory is always offering a hand to help others because it makes them happy, and he doesn’t like to see people sad. Please inquire below if you think your family may be a good fit for this sweet adventurous kiddo! 

Inquire About This Child - KS

Changing The Experiences And Outcomes For Kids In Foster Care

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4 Ways To Care For Kids In Foster Care


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One of the simplest next steps you can take is to share our "I Belong Project" videos on your social media and invite people you know to learn about fostering and adoption.


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