Giving Sunday

Giving Sunday and Advent Are Dec. 3

Resources For Churches Seeking To Give Kids aIn Foster Care The Gift of Belonging






3 Ways To Give Kids In Foster Care The Gift Of Belonging In The Season Of Giving

Is your church planning — or open to – inspiring generosity in your community as the year draws to a close. There is:

  • A Sunday dedicated to National Adoption Month in November and encouraging people to open their hearts and homes to a vulnerable child?
  • Giving Sunday special collection
  • Advent and Christmas special collections to benefit a local nonprofit organization

We’d be honored to partner with you on any of these initiatives to remind people of the call in James 1:27 and to help meet a very real need to care for the thousands of children in foster care, through no fault of their own, who have no place to belong this Christmas season.

Resources For Giving

America’s Kids Belong partners with faith communities to support a giving effort to benefit kids in foster care.

Brian Mavis shares Belong Sunday message

Family Photos

The Journey Of Three Teens From Foster Care To A Family Photo All Their Own

This video, released in 2023, follows three youth from foster care through their appearance in America’s Kids Belong’s I Belong Project video storytelling initiative, and through that experience, which elevated their faces, voices and stories, they each experienced the gift of belonging with an adoptive family.

I Belong Project is just one of the meaningful projects of America’s Kids Belong in support of its mission to dramatically change the experiences and outcomes for kids in foster care.

Video Asset Details

This video is available in a variety of lengths. Full length is 4 minutes. Here are the other variations, including some formatted vertically for social.

Sermon Resources

Sermon Guide

Help and resources to prepare to teach on the intersection between faith and foster care/ adoption, and God’s heart for vulnerable children.

Sermon Outline

Here is an outline for a sermon exposition of James 1:27 to build Foster Care Awareness.

Giving Options

Donations can be made via ACH or credit card using our GivingFuel page, use the Donate button below.

We also can work with you on a variety of giving options. Let us know your interest and we are happy to work with you.

  • Stock gifts
  • Donor advised funds
  • Automobile donations
  • Matching gift campaigns