Tag parenting

The Road to Paris

"In clear short chapters, Grimes tells a beautiful story of family, friendship, and faith from the viewpoint of a child in search of home in a harsh world. It is the human story behind the case file that readers will remember." —Booklist Review

A Mother for Choco

Family is about love no matter how different parents and children may be, adopted or not. Choco wishes he had a mother, but who could she be? He sets off to find her, asking all kinds of animals, but he doesn't meet anyone who looks just like him. He doesn't even think of asking Mrs. Bear if she's his mother-but then she starts to do just the things a mommy might do.

What Happened to You

An exploration of how childhood trauma shapes adult behavior, offering a path to resilience and healing through compassionate self-understanding.

Robyn Gobbel

Robyn translates the complex science of the Relational Neurosciences for helpers, healers, educators, and parents and make it practical, useful, ultimately - life changing.

Tell Me My Story: What Does Adopted Mean?

Maree asks, "Did I grow in your tummy like that too?" Maree knew she had been adopted but sometimes forgot what that meant. Mama answers Maree's questions and navigates a common behavior for kids processing big emotions, deflection.